Our days were very full this week, with Fire Safety, Picture Day, and TWO Mystery Readers! The first one was Mr. Quinn, a friend of Mrs. Cole's who is an optician. He told us how he helps people get just the right glasses so they can see better. Our other guest was Dr. David Jefferson, who has been the veterinarian for Mrs. Cole's horses for many years. He told us all about how he takes care of animals and teaches their owners how to care for them too.

We're doing a great job with place value and decomposing numbers/writing them in expanded form! Thanks for helping us find other opportunities to practice this at home-it's big thinking! I am also hearing kids skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s!
Thank you for keeping our reading books in our reading folders, and returning them on Mondays so we can swap them out. :)
Homework folders (the green folder with the homework menu and blank reading calendar) are due on November 5th. Thanks for helping us complete squares on our menu and tally our books!
Congratulations to Jacy and Shyanne on earning the privilege of taking Darla and Kola home for the weekend!
Congratulations to Kai for doing Quality Work, which we posted in the Quality Work Showcase!
I hope everyone has a fun weekend planned! I am going to a teachers' conference in Rockport and hoping to complete outdoor fall cleanup at home. Enjoy your family time!