I'm sure the kids will enjoy getting out and playing in the white stuff this weekend-we had indoor recess a few times this week because of the cold/wind chill, so they're ready to get outdoors!
We learned even more about polar animals this week! It was fun to compare the ways they have adapted to their cold environment. We talked about why the Arctic and Antarctic days are different from ours at certain times of the year, and started reading and thinking about Inuit culture as well. We wrote nonfiction chapter books about polar bears too. In Math, we're working on addition/ subtraction facts and starting to work with graphs and data. Thanks for your help as we practice skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s to 120!
We have loved creating our pinch pots in Art!
Our Mystery Reader was Mr. Streadwick! He is a college student and also works at Lolli and Pops, a new candy store at the Maine Mall. He shared about how the candy reaches the store and how he helps customers find just what they are looking for, as well as how some of the candy is made by their supplier. We watched a short video clip that showed how macarons are made-yummy!
There is no school on Monday in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I also wanted to let you know that I will be out on Friday, January 25th and Monday, January 28th. I am headed for New Orleans after school on Thursday to do some work with the National Education Association. I have not been out of the classroom yet this year, so the kids and I will be discussing expectations for when there is a substitute. I just wanted to give you a heads up, since it is the first time we will be hosting a guest teacher. 😊
We were really excited to receive a book from the Maine Education Association! MEA President Grace Leavitt wrote a grant which provides a book to every first grader in the State! Thank you!!

Stay warm this long weekend! My play closes tomorrow, my extended family will be visiting for a late holiday celebration, and I will be getting ready to teach an adult ed class that starts next week. I'm sure there will be some shoveling to do, too! Whatever your weekend brings, I hope you have some fun together!